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Bodybuilding Steroids

In the performance enhancing world you have a variety of athletes with a host of varying pursuits and goals many unique unto their own. While many of these individuals supplement with performance enhancing anabolic androgenic steroids the reason for supplementation necessarily varies as well. Within each group you will also find certain anabolic steroids to be more prevalent than others, as by their nature of one particular steroid may be more apt to meet the needs of one field while the needs of another require a slightly different compound. For many, because the choices of steroids we have at our disposal is so vast and so large it can at times seem quite overwhelming, especially when trying to choose the best ones. However, while there are many choices often the best place to look is at bodybuilding steroids as bodybuilding steroids and the relationship therein is perhaps the most telling of all. For decades upon decades bodybuilders have been the human lab rats as it pertains to anabolic steroids; they have tried every form, they have mixed and matched every single possible stack more so than any other performance enhancing group. When we examine this fact and look into the world of bodybuilding steroids we can begin to understand what is best for us and what will aid us most in obtaining our desired gains. It doesn’t matter what your end goal is, perhaps you are a bodybuilder or perhaps you’re an athlete of a certain court or field or just a gym rat looking for a slightly more pleasing physique, either way by examining and understanding bodybuilding steroids you will be closer to understanding what you need to do.

Unfortunately while there is a vast amount of information out there, there is also a vast amount of misinformation that can really hold you back. Go to any gym, log onto any message board discussing anabolic steroids and you will hear a host of supposed facts but when it comes to the facts there can only be one truth. For this reason bodybuilding steroids and the truth within are often largely misunderstood as myths and legends often are deemed truth after they are passed down long enough. We have taken some of these myths off of some of the most popular message boards on the internet and left you with only the truth. You may find some of the myths to hold partial truth but if it is only partial then it’s really not the truth. You will also find there will still be much more to learn but hopefully this will provide a good starting point as you delve into the world of bodybuilding steroids.


Off-season bulking bodybuilding steroids such as Anadrol and Dianabol have no place in a contest cycle because they will cause you to hold too much water.


It is true, both Anadrol and Dianabol can cause a fair amount of water retention, Anadrol to an even larger degree but this is easily controlled through responsible use. Maintaining a proper diet without abundant excess carbohydrates and supplementing with an aromatase inhibitor can greatly reduce and even eliminate any excess water retention. Due to this fact, yes, both of these bodybuilding steroids can be used during a contest cycle. Anadrol is used not too uncommonly at the very end of a contest cycle to aid in filling out, where Dianabol is sometimes used early on to aid in maintaining muscle mass and strength needed to get through the diet. While neither is a must for a contest cycle both can be used and used successfully.


You can site inject various bodybuilding steroids into specific muscle to promote a greater amount of growth in that area.


This one is not only a myth but generally very ridiculous when we understand how anabolic steroids work. Once a steroid is injected and enters the blood stream it doesn’t do so only in the muscle injected, it performs and works all over the body. It is true, certain steroids can cause a fair amount of inflammation at the injected site, giving the appearance of growth for a short period of time; this is not new muscle tissue, it is simply inflammation and it will dissipate very shortly.


Bodybuilding steroids of a testosterone nature must be long ester based during the off-season and short ester based during the diet or contest prep phase.


When you are supplementing with bodybuilding steroids of a testosterone nature you will find they come in many ester based forms but in the end each one is simply testosterone. The common belief is that short ester forms such as Testosterone-Propionate will cause you to hold much less water and this can be true to a slight extent in some people but by-in-large the only reason one is holding less water is because he’s dieting and taking in fewer carbohydrates. You can just as easily end up ripped to the bone, completely shredded with long ester based forms such as Testosterone-Cypionate or Testosterone-Enanthate; in the end, it’s all testosterone.